Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Final projects~

Today was my last day of class of my first quarter, so I decided I'd post a couple of my final projects~
Finished version of my perspective drawing. Scan is kinda light, and I could have gone darker in some of the shadows... but overall it came out well! Got an A :DA couple self portraits I did for my life drawing class. The one on the left was the one that was supposed to just a basic self portrait. Most people used photo referances... I just used a mirror on my desk +_+;
The one on the right was meant to represent something about ourselves. Mine is about how I never wanted to be the princess or the damsel in distress. I wanted to be the knight +_+! I mean, come on! They got to have armor, swords, capes... much more fun than a frilly dress!

Oh, and I figure I'll post this sketch I did for someone in one of my classes. He saw my DA page and asked if I would take a commission of his gaia avi:
Annnnnd that's it for now. 3 week vacation~ Hoping to get some things done, so wish me luck!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Sorry for lack of updates! I'll continue the old art posts when I have the time (desire) to continue going through my old sketchbooks and scanning. In the meantime, have some new stuff!

A quick 8 min doodle of Ginko from Mushishi. Love that anime ;_; <3 Ginko!

The 2 point perspective assignment for my drawing and perspective class. Half finished as you can see. Unofficially titled the Alchemist's Study ;D

A quick blue doodle I did of some random sci-fi dude with some sci-fi gun... yeah I dunno. Done while testing out the free version of art rage. :<

Anyway..... *wooooooooooosh*