Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Long time no post, I know D:
Here's a few WIPs and misc class projects from this last quarter~ Also gonna start cross posting these on LJ. I gotta stop being so lazy about this sort of thing :D;

Anyway~ some traditional style stuff I did. All 3 are pastel and colored pencil. Acrylics used for the white highlights. My scanner kills my traditional work... tried to fix it a little in photoshop, but still... ugh D:

Scooby Doo and Shaggy ;D This doubles as an Xmas gift for my younger sister~

Ugh, this one was so large I had to scan it in 4 pieces, and couldn't mesh them all together that well >: This one was pretty last minute, as I wound up scrapping the original the day before it was due and doing this one c_c;

This one seems to get a bit of attention... I do plan to go back and add something more to the mountains. Blah, the scan just makes it all look so... dirty D:

A silly self portrait done for my computer painting class...

And the WIP for my computer painting final. Just wanted to do something somewhat simple, since I have a lot of work to do. Speaking of which, time to get back to it! D: