Monday, April 28, 2008

The Shaman and the Boar

lol wut

Sooo.... I meant to post yesterday, as I am attempting to make a post every Sunday from now on... but then I got distracted (*cough*a18*cough*) and forgot until I was already half asleep.

el oh el

Aaaaanyway, let's see what I have for you fine folks.

I guess we'll start with some things from last quarter class work~

Storyboarding Final~ 42 panels drawn (took forever D:) and I then made them into a animatic movie with music and soundfx's using Adobe Premier pro. Fairly easy program to learn the basics of. Would have added a few more panels if I had had more time. Maybe I'll go back and do that over summer break...
The video is in the post below this one, because YouTube confused me. :<
One of my projects from digital imaging, and by far my favorite xD

Character and Object design crap... My design for the Prince in my Snow White in Ancient China redesign. The Lion guy was for an assignment where we chose keywords from a list to make a character design from. I had ancient African doctor lion... in case you couldn't read it in the image. :B And a self portrait as a Target villain. In that one, we had to make it as though the character could fit in the Batman animated series. I like how that one came out. :D

This is also from Character and Object design. Had to pick one ancient/extinct creature and mix it with a modern day one. So~ I did dynonichus (almost like a Velociraptor from Jurassic Park... geek level up!) mixed with a tiger. Rather happy with it. In fact, since I have sculpture this quarter, I said to myself... "Self, you should sculpt that as your midterm." And I replied, "You know, self, you haven't steered me wrong in a while... so sure!"


Armature~ and dear lord, my cell phone camera is ass... ah well, you'll have to deal with it for now :<

And here's where I left off yesterday after I was, uh... distracted. c_c

Anyway~ see you next week! :0