Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Final projects~

Today was my last day of class of my first quarter, so I decided I'd post a couple of my final projects~
Finished version of my perspective drawing. Scan is kinda light, and I could have gone darker in some of the shadows... but overall it came out well! Got an A :DA couple self portraits I did for my life drawing class. The one on the left was the one that was supposed to just a basic self portrait. Most people used photo referances... I just used a mirror on my desk +_+;
The one on the right was meant to represent something about ourselves. Mine is about how I never wanted to be the princess or the damsel in distress. I wanted to be the knight +_+! I mean, come on! They got to have armor, swords, capes... much more fun than a frilly dress!

Oh, and I figure I'll post this sketch I did for someone in one of my classes. He saw my DA page and asked if I would take a commission of his gaia avi:
Annnnnd that's it for now. 3 week vacation~ Hoping to get some things done, so wish me luck!

Monday, December 3, 2007


Sorry for lack of updates! I'll continue the old art posts when I have the time (desire) to continue going through my old sketchbooks and scanning. In the meantime, have some new stuff!

A quick 8 min doodle of Ginko from Mushishi. Love that anime ;_; <3 Ginko!

The 2 point perspective assignment for my drawing and perspective class. Half finished as you can see. Unofficially titled the Alchemist's Study ;D

A quick blue doodle I did of some random sci-fi dude with some sci-fi gun... yeah I dunno. Done while testing out the free version of art rage. :<

Anyway..... *wooooooooooosh*

Friday, November 16, 2007

2004-2005 Old stuff

Same as the previous post. Old sketches and drawings never finished or used. These all came from a sketchbook that had things dated from 2004-2005.

Some unused images I originally did for panels in Praesidium.

....AHAHAHAAA an old gift I did for Nuri and an entry to our "secret folder". (lol)
Scrapped group project... you can see tons of errors in it!
Drawings of some people's characters from RO... PI's alchemist Mercura, Darla's priestess Mihu, and a huntress sketch for a commissioner on RagnaInfo back in the day.

With this many priests, how can I fail?!

Old Aegis group pic. Drew this before trans classes actually came out. I included the ones who seemed closest to rebirthing!

Couple sketches of Lilly's sage Harmony.

Meet Daicon. Daicon loves zombies and molesting guild leaders.

Some sketches of my friends Bri and Dan.


Long post is long. :O

2004 and older!

By popular demand, I'm posting some of my older work that is actually in existance. I'll do this in parts! Starting with the oldest stuff. Most of the images will be sketches, line art I never colored, and the like. I probably won't be posting anything that you can't already find on my deviantart page! This first group of images are all from 2004 or older. Some have dates, but I've lost the original sketchbooks they were in, so I don't know know the dates on all of them...

I think this was my first piece of RO fanart... ever... drawn for my friend Adhe! He was the first person I met on RO, and this is of his battle aco with my (then aco) Rosa and my (then swordy) VMegami!

Never used doodle of Angelo as a kitty.
Never used Ara with a cookie!
Angelo casting ME~
Was trying to do another Aegis group picture. Our guild was so large at the time that I planned to do it in groups. I tried to pick groups by who knew each other in what ways, etc. Only finished the first group. D: It has PI, Ysu (as a girl!), Ippo, Fried, and someone I only knew briefly as Kuu.

Next post coming soon!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

First Post!

So... I'm thinking perhaps I'll use this place as a sketch/art blog...! One of my friends keeps telling me I should, so I guess I'll use this space to post sketches, WIP, and other misc things I might not post on DA.

With that said heres a few of my latest things:

This was an assignment for my drawing and perspective class. The teacher said it looked like I crossed Mayan and Minoan influences into it. I wound up fixing some the shadows and details after I scanned it, but I don't feel like scanning again. :(

A collage of some of my life drawing excercises

Feeeeesh rideeerrrrr! I think the fish game got to me D: (Play our fish game!)
And last item for this post, just finished this a bit ago. Trying out a new coloring technique. Need more practice with it! :D